British Beekeepers Association (BBKA)
A hive of valuable information for all beekeepers, both old and new.
Worcestershire Beekeepers Association (WBKA)

Our County Association, which coordinates the seven branches within the region.
Worcestershire Beekeepers Association (WBKA)

Our County Association, which coordinates the seven branches within the region.

BeeBase is the Animal and Plant Health Agency's (APHA) National Bee Unit website.
BeeBase is the Animal and Plant Health Agency's (APHA) National Bee Unit website.
We strongly recommend that all members join BeeBase.
It is a great source of information, plus ensures you get early notification of any diseases in your area.

Bees Abroad

NEWBKA supports the work of this charity.
Bees for Development
It is a great source of information, plus ensures you get early notification of any diseases in your area.
Beekeeping Events
Beekeeping Events is a gateway to courses, talks, webinars and much more around the UK and wider afield.
Register with them for regular email updates of forthcoming events.
Beekeeping Events is a gateway to courses, talks, webinars and much more around the UK and wider afield.
Register with them for regular email updates of forthcoming events.
The Bee Improvement and Bee Breeders Association - focused on the conservation, restoration, study, selection and improvement of native or near-native honeybees of the British Isles.
Bees Abroad

NEWBKA supports the work of this charity.
Bees for Development
Another charity working to alleviate poverty through beekeeping.

A very accessible and informative blog, detailing Jenifer's progression through the world of beekeeping. It provides many useful insights for all new (and not so new) beekeepers.
A valuable tool connecting beekeepers with farmers & informing them of crop protection activities nearby.
This is a service provided by the BBKA which maps landowners offering sites for beehives.
The sites range from farmers fields, woods and gardens. If you're looking to site an out-apiary, see if there is something suitable near you.
Widely regarded as the godfather of beekeeping, his website (now maintained by Roger Patterson) is a huge resource for old and new beekeepers.
A useful site for both asking questions and viewing matters raised by other beekeepers. However, beware that there may be many different answers to the same question !
The Central Association of Beekeepers aims to act as a bridge between Beekeepers and Scientists and publishes some very useful articles and runs lectures and forums with contributions from both national and international experts. Definitely worth a look.
The Apiarist
This Scottish site is full of very useful information for both novices and experienced beekeepers - give it a go!
This Scottish site is full of very useful information for both novices and experienced beekeepers - give it a go!
Bees and Honey: Creating Pollinator Gardens
Some useful tips on improving the environment for honeybees and other pollinators.
Kindly highlighted to us by Jenna, when researching for her Girl Scouts Flower Garden badge.
Some useful tips on improving the environment for honeybees and other pollinators.
Kindly highlighted to us by Jenna, when researching for her Girl Scouts Flower Garden badge.
A reminder of the role honeybees and other bees play in pollination.
Another site identified by Jenna - many thanks !
A short guide to attracting different pollinators, highlighting which flowers produce the most scent, ways to provide nesting areas,
information on native plants and more.
information on native plants and more.
Thanks to Becca and Casey for sharing this website.
This USA-based site contains some valuable insights into the potential risks to both bees and beekeepers of the many pesticides in use, plus tips on how to avoid or minimise such risks.
Thanks to Jackie Rivera at for this contribution.
Hannah Miller at DIY Gardening has published a very useful guide for gardeners with actionable steps they can take to prevent the decline bee of the bee population.
This US site provides an easy guide to the world of bees - including a raft of links on a wide range of issues.
Thanks to Cam and Lily Stevens for sharing this website.
Thanks to Cam and Lily Stevens for sharing this website.