Need help with a Swarm?

NEWBKA can remove bee swarms and find them a good home.   

However, as o
ur volunteer beekeepers can only assist with swarms of HONEYBEES, please - from a safe distance - try to confirm that they are indeed Honeybees.

STEP 1: Identifying bees

The below shows you how to recognise bees and other insects and gives some advice on what to do.


Bumblebees are often confused with honeybees.

However they are rounder, larger and furrier and come with a variety of coloured stripes across the end of their tails.

Are they in a bird box, under the decking, in the compost?

Bumblebees are important pollinators.  
Leave the nests alone if possible. They will die out at the end of summer and will cause no further problems. Bumblebees rarely sting or attack people or animals and should therefore not be disturbed.

There are 24 different types of native bumblebee, all of which vary in size and colour. For more information about bumblebees go to the Bumblebee Conservation Trust website, or the Buzz About Bees website.

Beekeepers are unable to assist in the removal of bumblebees

Solitary bees

Are there lots of small bees popping in and out of the wall or very small holes in the ground?

Do they have a "reddy/brown" bottom? Are they almost black?

These are solitary bees, of which there are over 240 species recorded in the UK and they post no threat or harm to you, your family or pets. Solitary bees are important pollinators and should be left alone.

Their numbers will decrease over the summer and their nests should be left alone.  If they are in your lawn or buildings, they may look worrying but they cause no damage.  Again most species only fly for a few weeks, so will probably disappear again within a month. Please leave them alone if you can.

For more information go to The Wildlife Trusts.

Beekeepers are unable to assist in the removal of solitary bees

For more information on identifying 'What bee is this?' - click here


Is it bright yellow with black stripes? Very smooth, mainly yellow with black stripes?

Is it in the roof of your house? Are they coming from a round nest in a tree? Is there a nest in the shed? Do they have a high pitched buzz? Are they after all things sweet? Then these are probably wasps.

For more information go to BWARS.

Beekeepers are unable to assist in the removal of wasps

European Hornets

Are they very big with a loud buzz? Are they black and brown with a hint of orange?

Living in the roof or shed? Do they have a very big curved tail? These are European Hornets and are valuable pollinators usually found in wooden areas. 

For more information go to BWARS.

Beekeepers are unable to assist in the removal of hornets

Yellow Legged Asian Hornets

Are they dark brown or black with a velvety body?

The queen is up to 30mm long and worker up to 25mm long (smaller than the European counterpart). Are the legs yellow at the ends (the European hornet has brown legs)?

Do not disturb an active nest. If you suspect you have found a Yellow Legged Asian Hornet please send a photo to

For more information click here

Beekeepers can help you identify Yellow Legged Asian Hornets

If you still cannot identify what bee it is click here for further information.

STEP 2: I still think they're Honey bees

Honey bees are small and vary in colour from golden brown to almost black.  

All will form a distinctive cluster when they have settled as a swarm.

Honey bees have large hairy eyes, a furry chest or thorax and distinctive bent antennae. 

Does your swarm look like this?

If so, then go to Step 3 below. 

STEP 3: Contact the NEWBKA Swarm Coordinator:

Steven Wall on 07800 568429

(With thanks to the BBKA for the above)