Honeybees are part of our history and play an important part in the balance of nature. They face many challenges at present, ranging from climate change to invasive species, but you can help their survival by tending to their needs through beekeeping.
North East Worcestershire Beekeepers' Association (NEWBKA) welcomes everyone from all walks of life and of all ages to learn more about the fascinating world of the honeybee.
In addition to caring for honeybees, our members are also involved in:
- planting
bee-friendly flowers
- making
hives and other equipment
- extracting
- making
polish, candles, cosmetics and creams with beeswax
- entering honey, mead and wax in local, county and national shows
- bee
- cooking
with honey
and, of course, eating honey!
We can support and guide you on all these aspects. At our meetings you can
hear speakers and join in discussions. We have members of all ages and experience - from novices to qualified beekeepers with decades of knowledge, ready to
We can advise you on good reference books and point you in the right
direction for your beekeeping journey. Once you are ready to begin with your
first bees, we can help with the dos and don'ts and show you how best to
keep them strong and healthy. We can advise on everything bee-related: from where to site
your hive, feeding and health, to swarm control and honey extraction.
At NEWBKA you will always find a warm welcome and individual support wherever possible. You can also join us at our apiary meetings at Avoncroft Museum to gain hands-on experience, improve your practical skills and/or see different beekeeping techniques.
Full (Registered) Membership is £30 each year and provides access to:
- a full schedule of educational, practical and social events
- help and support from experienced beekeepers
- the very informative monthly BBKA magazine delivered to your door
- insurance for public liability and bee disease
- savings on the bulk purchase of items such as honey jars, syrup and fondant
- bees (in the form of an unclaimed swarm, or colony splits) at half commercial rates
- members who want to buy or sell equipment
- the branch's honey extractors (for a small additional charge)
If you would like to join NEWBKA, or just want to find out a bit more about being a beekeeper before committing, just come along to one of our meetings to introduce yourself
and ask questions. You'll find people delighted to talk bees!
For all enquiries about membership please contact the Membership Secretary, Bob Powell at neworcsbeekeepers@gmail.com.