So you did the Novices' Course a year or two ago, and it gave you the confidence to get started in beekeeping. Maybe you went to apiary meetings or asked an experienced member when you had problems in those early months. This new Refresher Course is intended to help you with key two areas where people frequently need advice or assistance.
Chris Broad, a very experienced beekeeper, is going to run two workshops in early 2018 to help people with some beekeeping experience to gain confidence in dealing successfully with swarms, and with pests and diseases.
The sessions will be held at Bromsgrove School on Mondays from 7:30 to 9:30 pm:
On 29th January the topic is Swarm Control and Management.
On 5th February the topic is Pests, Diseases and Queen Issues.
The cost of each session is £5. If you wish to attend, please contact Alan Woollhead (
NEWBKA is a branch of the Worcestershire Beekeepers' Association. It exists to promote beekeeping in NE Worcestershire by providing public information, swarm collecting and by running courses for intending and improving beekeepers.
AGM main points
At the AGM held on Thursday, 16th November, the following were elected to serve on the committee for the forthcoming year:
Kate Chase - Chair
Ann Winspear - Secretary
Bob Powell - Treasurer
Greg Hunt
Nicola Martin
Chris Tomlin
Alan Woollhead
Association subscription rates for 2018 would remain as in 2017.
Trophies won at the Joint Honey Show held in September were presented to Jane and Marion, and BBKA exam certificates were presented to Alan and Bob.
Skep making course now full
The NEWBKA Skep Making Course in February 2018 is now fully booked. Due to the amazing response to this event, we are planning to do a further one later on in 2018. If you are interested in attending this extra session please could you let Chris Tomlin know at
AGM reminder
The AGM is taking place this week! Please come and have your say about the running of your local association and about beekeeping in general.
I hope the date is in your diary: Thursday, 16th November at 8:00 pm at Hanbury Village Hall, Hanbury Road, Hanbury, B60 4BY.
Apart from the normal reports, etc, honey show trophies and exam certificates will be presented, and there will be the chance to chat to other members about all matters beekeeping.
I hope the date is in your diary: Thursday, 16th November at 8:00 pm at Hanbury Village Hall, Hanbury Road, Hanbury, B60 4BY.
Apart from the normal reports, etc, honey show trophies and exam certificates will be presented, and there will be the chance to chat to other members about all matters beekeeping.
AGM on Thursday, 16th November
The NEWBKA AGM will be held on 16th November 2017 at Hanbury Village Hall, starting at 8pm.
We are looking for new committee members, particularly a new chairman as Tim, the current chairman, is due to step down this year. If anyone is interested in becoming a member of the committee please let me know. Tim is happy to chat to anyone who is interested in the chairman's position.
We would encourage you to attend the AGM and consider becoming a committee member as it is a good chance to have some input into how the Association runs.
We look forward to hearing from interested members.
Secretary NEWBKA
We are looking for new committee members, particularly a new chairman as Tim, the current chairman, is due to step down this year. If anyone is interested in becoming a member of the committee please let me know. Tim is happy to chat to anyone who is interested in the chairman's position.
We would encourage you to attend the AGM and consider becoming a committee member as it is a good chance to have some input into how the Association runs.
We look forward to hearing from interested members.
Secretary NEWBKA
Local honey show
The honey show will be held on Saturday, 9th September 2017, in the hall of Hagley Free Church.
This year, NEWBKA is the host association, so it would be good if there were plenty of entries. Even if you haven't got a lot of honey nor many colonies, why not submit an entry or two; you never know you might win a prize or gain a trophy.
For detailed information select "Honey Show" on the tool bar above.
This year, NEWBKA is the host association, so it would be good if there were plenty of entries. Even if you haven't got a lot of honey nor many colonies, why not submit an entry or two; you never know you might win a prize or gain a trophy.
For detailed information select "Honey Show" on the tool bar above.
Jinney Ring Apiary meetings
The regular Saturday morning apiary meetings at the Jinney Ring Apiary have been suspended. I will let you know when they are to resume.
Rob Greenaway
Rob Greenaway
Social evening 14th August
Just a reminder that there is a social evening organised for next Monday (14th August) at
The Bowling Green ~ Shaw Lane, Stoke Prior, Bromsgrove. B60 4BH
It's an ideal opportunity for you to turn up and chat to fellow beekeepers about how your season has progressed. If my bees are willing to give up some of their stores, I will bring some along for you to have a taste (No judging - just a bit of fun). If you would like to do the same, we could end up with a great session trying to identify what plants our bees have been collecting from. Please try to attend if you can. I will be there from 8 o'clock in the front snug.
Looking forward to seeing you there

Chris Tomlin
(Social Sec)
Avoncroft apiary summer break
There will be no apiary meetings at Avoncroft during August but weekly meetings will resume at 11.00 am on Tuesday, 5th September.
Date of Honey Show
The date of the local joint honey show, for members of the Kidderminster, Hagley & Stourbridge, and Northeast Worcestershire branches, is Saturday, 9th September 2017. As usual the show will be held in Hagley Free Church hall. Further details shortly.
Forthcoming social events
I hope your bee keeping year is going well and your girls are working hard collecting all that wonderful nectar that is out there at the moment and producing lovely honey!! This leads me on to say that the next social occasion is at:
The Bowling Green ~ Shaw Lane, Stoke Prior, Bromsgrove. B60 4BH on Monday 14th August
It's an ideal opportunity for you to turn up and chat to fellow beekeepers about how your season has progressed. If my bees are willing to give up some of their stores, I will bring some along for you to have a taste. If you would like to do the same, we could end up with a great session trying to identify what plants our bees have been collecting from. Please try to attend if you can. I will be there from 8 o'clock in the front snug.
The last social occasion was the Bee Safari which was a great day out. Members travelled around the area, observing bees and beekeeping situations, chatted to apiary owners, had a great lunch and were very kindly chauffeured about by two land-rover owners. I'm hoping that we will be able load up a few photos of the day onto the website, so you can see how well it went. An event I'm sure we will run again next year.
On Wed 11th October there will be a 'Bee Movie' night, held at Bromsgrove Rugby Club. This will include a short talk and a variety of films. Please make a note of the date - further details to follow.
All the very best
Chris Tomlin (Social Sec)
Swarm Co-ordinator
Message received from Steven Wall
I am taking on the role of 'swarm coordinator' from Angela Lovick.
If you would like a swarm and feel able to collect it yourself, please email me your contact details and let me know when would be the best time for you to go out and collect the swarm. If you would like a swarm but require me to assist you then also contact me and advise me of your availability. To advise on days and times of availability email me in first instance,
Apiary meetings
Weekly meetings take place on Tuesdays at 11:00 am. Those attending should meet in the Avoncroft Museum car park. This apiary is managed by Alex Bignell and Bob Pargeter.
Weekly meetings are on Saturdays at 10:30 am, commencing 13th May. These sessions are for new beekeepers to ask questions and gain experience, and for experienced beekeepers to pass on their knowledge and skills. This apiary is managed by Rob Greenaway and Alan Woollhead.
Weekly meetings take place on Tuesdays at 11:00 am. Those attending should meet in the Avoncroft Museum car park. This apiary is managed by Alex Bignell and Bob Pargeter.
Weekly meetings are on Saturdays at 10:30 am, commencing 13th May. These sessions are for new beekeepers to ask questions and gain experience, and for experienced beekeepers to pass on their knowledge and skills. This apiary is managed by Rob Greenaway and Alan Woollhead.
More NEWBKA social events
Dear Member
On the social front I have in preparation a variety of
events for us all to go along to and enjoy. It is my aim this year to offer you
some different and exciting bee opportunities and activities and for them to
take place across our association area.
Following a very successful and enjoyable evening on Monday 27th
March at The Hopwood House Inn I would like to let you know that there will be
three more of this type of occasion (meet for a chat/ drink). The next is on
Wed 26th April at The Swan public house in Chaddesley Corbett and there
will be further ones in July and September. If you have never been to a ‘Bee
Social’ why don’t you come along? You
never know, you might quite enjoy the good company and support of the
I also have in preparation the following:
* A members, friends and family BBQ in June
* A ‘Bee Movie’ night at Bromsgrove Rugby Club on Wed 11th
* End of year meal and presentation night.
Details of each of the above will follow as they are
There is also another event on Saturday 27th May
for which I am looking for a little help. This is a
‘Bee Safari’
The day will consist of taking a group of members around our
area to see different apiaries, beginning at 11am for coffee and finishing
approx 5pm. This will give them the chance to see a variety bee keeping
situations and the opportunity to chat to owners (please note this would not
involve any hive inspections for a variety of reasons). Lunch and drinks will
be provided and there will be a charge of £9pp to cover costs. There is also in
planning a follow on evening event, which it is hoped will be open to all
I am though looking for the following help from you-
- Would you like to be on the Safari? (It may be most suitable for less experienced members)
- At present we have 3 very kind offers of different apiaries to visit (commercial, small out apiary and a large garden situation with several hives). It would be great to offer two more, where the owner is happy to have around a dozen visitors. If you have just one hive or several and think you would like to be involved then please contact me as soon as you can. There is a reward and inclusion in the Safari.
- An additional Jeep/Land Rover Defender owner who would like to drive on the Safari day and will be included in the visitor list.
Please, please, please if you think you would like to help
and be involved in this day can you contact me by email at as soon
as possible. You will find my other details in the membership list.
Can I also ask everyone who is a member to make a note of
the above dates and try and support as many of these occasions as you are able.
As an association we are committed to supporting you and every other member of
NEWBKA in every way we are able with your beekeeping and it would be great to
see you at some of the above events.
Best wishes
Chris Tomlin
(Social Secretary)
Social Evening on 27th March
Dear MemberI thought it would be a good idea if we held a relaxed social occasion for members to attend. On Monday 27th March at the Hopwood House (pub and eatery), Redditch Rd, Alvechurch, Birmingham B48 7AB, which is close to junction 2 of the M42. I will be there from 8 o'clock onwards if anyone would like to join me and chat to others. It would be great to see as many members partners, friends etc. this pub is known for it's food and selection of real ales, so if you would like to eat then chat, chat and eat or just drink and chat come along!!Looking forward to seeing you thereBest wishesChris Tomlin (Social Sec)
Winter Talk: Bees Abroad
For the last of this season's Winter Talks, David Evans spoke about the work of Bees Abroad. The organisation promotes community beekeeping in the Third World, particularly in Africa, by teaching communities how to maintain thriving colonies and to market hive products, thereby improving their standard of living. David, who has worked on Bees Abroad projects in Kenya, described some of the problems facing Kenyan beekeepers, including safari ants and honey badgers. At the end of the meeting, David was presented with a cheque, a donation to Bees Abroad from NEWBKA.
Social event on 14th February
The first social event of 2017 is to be
on Tuesday 14th February. For those members who are not celebrating
with a romantic candle lit dinner for two there is on offer a great
An evening at the 'Boat and Railway', Shaw
Lane, Stoke Works from 8.00pm
The upstairs function room is booked for the
occasion, which is open to all NEWBKA members (partners are also
welcome) as well as those who are attending the 2017 novices’ course. It would be great to see a good turnout of
members, who are happy to sit and chat to the 'newbees' and pass on ideas and
experiences, in an informal situation. There
will be a small buffet provided. I would
also like to take the opportunity during the evening to chat to members about
other social events we are planning to put on (details will be announced
Please come along and enjoy yourself. It will be great if you do. There will be no charge for the evening but
could you either email myself or Ann Winspear to let us know, so we
can order the buffet. Please try to do this before Friday 3rd Febuary.
Chris Tomlin (NEWBKA social rep)

Ed Payne's First Year of Beekeeping
My interest started 40 years ago when I took a two day
course in beekeeping while at university.
Only in the last year have I been in a position to do anything about it.
On the news there are often horror stories, which may be
exaggerated, about bee numbers rapidly decreasing. Einstein thought if the bees became extinct
mankind would rapidly run out of food; I thought that maybe I could do my bit
to save the planet. I did some research on
the internet, checked that my immediate family were not allergic to bee venom,
and decided to take the plunge. My wife is still convinced that the bees in
true Tom and Jerry style will form into a perfect arrowhead formation and chase
her around the farm before stinging her behind! Fortunately for me this has yet to happen.
Having contacted several local suppliers, I went to the Beetradex.
Everyone that I spoke to recommended joining
my local association, so I ordered a beginner’s set up and contacted NEWBKA via
the website. With wonderful timing this
was just after the beginners’ course had finished. However, I was able to
attend Chris Broad’s taster sessions at Webb’s.
Alex invited me to the Avoncroft apiary meetings and put me in touch
with David Perks who sold me a hive with bees. I was off and running.
At the apiary meetings in the spring it was obvious that the
bee numbers were steadily increasing. I learnt about eggs, brood and stores and
what a queen bee looked like. Back home
my bee numbers were not increasing and I couldn’t see any new eggs or find the
queen on the brood box frames. Discussing
this at Avoncroft we reached the conclusion that the queen had either died or
escaped, although there were no signs of any queen cells being made. I bought a new queen and introduced her into
the hive. After two days I went to open
the cage that she was supplied in and found that she had been killed. The introduction of a pretender to the queen’s
crown had clearly upset the resident queen and had the effect of jump starting
her back into egg production. The
numbers in my colony then dramatically increased and I was back on the road again.
Flushed with success, I set up my second hive as a trap hive for any local
With more bad timing this took place at the end of May just
before the June dip and I had no honey from the oil seed rape crops. In fact when I inspected the hive I only ever
saw about 30 bees in the super which was odd. In the summer the Avoncroft hives were
producing lots of honey, while in my hive it looked as though the bees couldn’t
find their way into the super. Alex gave
me two frames that he had recently extracted honey from, to try to remind my colony
what they should be doing. For the
second time in the year this jump started the hive into action and I was able
to add a second super to help store the honey that now magically appeared. The trap hive was still unoccupied.
In September I extracted honey from one super leaving the
other for the bees to use as stores, and carried out a varroa treatment. The bees produced 13lbs of honey which I was
delighted with for a first season. The
trap hive was still unoccupied and I have yet to find the queen in the brood
box. However, she has done what bees
have been doing for millions of years and produced a viable colony, and honey
for extraction despite my efforts to help. I would like to thank everyone in the
association who has given me friendship, help and advice over the year without
which I am sure my efforts would have come to nothing. I have learnt a huge amount in a short time;
the most important thing being if it looks odd ask someone or if it’s going
well let the bees get on with it. This
winter I am going to take the beginners’ course and next season I hope to be
able to find my elusive queen. The trap hive is still empty.
Next Talk; Thursday, 12th January
The last talk in our Winter Talks series will take place this Thursday, 12th January, at 7:30 pm at Bromsgrove School.
David will be talking about his work with Bees Abroad, an organisation that promotes beekeeping in developing countries by setting up and supporting sustainable beekeeping projects, including the marketing of hive products. David can talk from personal knowledge, having been involved with Bees Abroad for some years, and having made several trips to Kenya to support projects.
The work of Bees Abroad: speaker David Evans
David will be talking about his work with Bees Abroad, an organisation that promotes beekeeping in developing countries by setting up and supporting sustainable beekeeping projects, including the marketing of hive products. David can talk from personal knowledge, having been involved with Bees Abroad for some years, and having made several trips to Kenya to support projects.
We look forward to a good beekeeping year and hope that all your hives thrive.
If you are registered with Bee Base you will have received a potential starvation warning from the National Bee Unit, so it is time to check hives and to provide fondant if necessary.
The last of our winter talks is due to take place in January: David Evans will be talking about the work of "Bees Abroad" on Thursday, 12th January, at 7:30 pm at Bromsgrove School.
On Monday, 16th January, the 2017 Novices' course begins.
Please see "Meetings" page for further information on these two events.
If you are registered with Bee Base you will have received a potential starvation warning from the National Bee Unit, so it is time to check hives and to provide fondant if necessary.
The last of our winter talks is due to take place in January: David Evans will be talking about the work of "Bees Abroad" on Thursday, 12th January, at 7:30 pm at Bromsgrove School.
On Monday, 16th January, the 2017 Novices' course begins.
Please see "Meetings" page for further information on these two events.
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