Tasks for March

March weather is very changeable, but a number of tasks and checks are needed in preparation for the coming season.

Firstly, when it is warm enough for a quick inspection which will not chill our colonies (at least 10°C), check:
  • Is there sufficient food? 
    If not, feed with pollen and/or fondant
  • How many frames are filled with bees?
    Check for Nosema if colony is weak
  • Is the Queen laying?
  • Remove any dead colonies and investigate cause
    Sterilise hives as necessary
When the weather improves (say 14°C):
  • Carry out a detailed inspection for diseases and varroa levels.
    Take all necessary remedial action before the honey flow begins
  • Replace older dark combs
  • Look out for swarm cells and ensure the colony has sufficient room

At any time:
  • Prepare hive record cards for coming season
  • Remove mouse guards
  • Prepare clean brood boxes and frames with foundation

Above all - look forward to spending time with your bees !