Who knew that being a Beekeeper could be so action-packed...... Jason Statham shows us how. Wonder if he uses drones?
NEWBKA is a branch of the Worcestershire Beekeepers' Association. It exists to promote beekeeping in NE Worcestershire by providing public information, swarm collecting and by running courses for intending and improving beekeepers.
Bee Stings vs Wasp Stings
An interesting article in the British Medical Journal explores the differences:
Next Social Meeting
Our next Social Meeting is at 7:30pm on Monday 9th October - at the Bowling Green Inn, Shaw Lane, Stoke Prior, Bromsgrove B60 4BH.
Everyone is welcome - whether you are a member, or would just like to find out more about beekeeping.
Honeybees adapt how they feed
A new study shows how honey bees switch feeding mechanisms as resource conditions vary.
So - Where did Bees come from?
The buzzing of bees was first heard 120 million years ago on the western side of supercontinent Gondwana, scientists have revealed.
Hidden Bee Behaviours
Bee scaffolding and bio heaters: New research reveals hidden beehive behaviours