Next Social Meeting - Monday Feb 7th

Don't forget the pub evening at the 'Bowling Green', Stoke Prior on Monday 7th February, the first pub meeting since Christmas, starting at 8pm.
Alex will be bringing several buckets (for use as bulk honey containers) and a large bag of soft-wood shavings - always useful for smokers, but you'll need a plastic bag to take away your share!

Neonicotinoids - BBKA request for support

You are probably aware that a derogation has been approved by the Minister for Agriculture allowing the use of a banned pesticide (Cruiser SB: Thiamethoxam, a neonicotinoid) to be used on sugar beet in 2022. This pesticide will be applied to seed as a dressing before planting if a high aphid count is seen. Aphids carry a virus known as Yellows which adversely affects some crops.


The BBKA is totally opposed to the use of this and similar pesticides due to their effect on not only honey bees but other pollinators, and the wider environment. The BBKA has considered the use of the HMG petition system, however, with a decision due on the 1st of March 2022, we believe that sufficient time does not exist for a petition to be raised. As this matter is urgent, will you please register your opposition to the use of this type of chemical by signing any petition which opposes the use of any of such damaging pesticides. 

A petition has been started  on the government website. Enough signatures on this link   forces the government to discuss it in the House of Commons.

Two other such petitions are  and

The ‘precautions’ for the use of this chemical to ‘protect’ pollinators is to ban any flowering crops (or ground cover) in the soil where this treated seed is used for a period of 32 months following the crop planting and the use of herbicides to prevent flowering of any weeds (wildflowers?).

Therefore, there cannot be any forage for Bees or other Pollinators for 3 years in any land used to grow crops treated with this chemical. This will be effectively at best a green monoculture with no forage for any pollinator. If any pollinators survive they will STARVE.

Please express your opposition to the use of this chemical by supporting any suitable petition and writing to your MP.   You can find the contact details for your MP by using the link below and entering your postcode.

2022 Spring Convention

A reminder that the Spring Convention will once more be held at Harper Adams in Shropshire, 8-10 April 2022. This is a unique opportunity to bring the national beekeeping community together again, after two years of lockdowns, cancellations and virtual events. 

Choose from more than 20 lectures and 40+ workshops, together with the Trade Show and the usual opportunities to meet old (and make new) friends from around the country. 

The key date to know about is that Bookings open on 31st January!

Can You Help ?

One of our members has an unusual query and wonders if anyone would be able to help:

I was checking my 2 hives today to see if they needed any additional feed. Several wasps are coming and going from the hives. I opened them up and the cluster of bees is there in both hives. What should I do about the wasps? Are they likely to have a queen or is it more likely that they are just a few rogue wasps who have found somewhere warm for the Winter? Do you know if anyone else has experienced this? I've no idea what to do.

If you can provide any answers or advice, would you please email them to